Anakin is not a good role model for kids in this movie, and is far from the innocent boy we saw in Episode I. Despite being considered a hero, and a notable Jedi, Anakin shows himself to be extremely conflicted throughout the movie, very possessive of his romantic interest, Senator Padme and angry that he is not given the respect he believes that he deserves by other Jedi. You can see Anakin's descent to the dark side slowly growing (which culminates in the next episode). Watching it years ago, I was bored by this movie. This kind of banter between Skywalker and Padme might definitely bore younger children. Like CSM stated, the romance in this movie is heavy, and in my opinion, is rather cheesy. Anakin gets angry and admits to killing not only men, but women and children as well (this isn't shown on screen). Count Dooku slices off the arm of Anakin Skywalker. A young boy witnesses the death of his father. An alien monster slashes the back of Senator Amidala, drawing blood. There is a particularly perilous scene in the droid factory, which could make younger kids nervous. Jango Fett) but nothing memorable enough to make me want to pop this movie in to watch those scenes over. There are some notable fight scenes (Yoda vs Count Dooku and Obi-Wan vs. A vicious battle ensues between the clones and Jedi on one side and Dooku's droids on the other, but who is really pulling the strings in this galactic conflict? In late 2002, the movie was released in IMAX theaters as Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones: The IMAX Experience, with a pared-down running time of 120 minutes in order to meet the technical requirements of the large-screen format.I can honestly say that I enjoyed this movie despite it being one of the most criticized films in Star Wars history. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan travels to the secretive planet Kamino and the asteroid-ringed world of Geonosis, following bounty hunter Jango Fett ( Temuera Morrison) and his son, Boba ( Daniel Logan), who are involved in an operation to create a massive army of clones. Set ten years after the events of 'Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace', not only has the galaxy undergone significant change, but so have our familiar heroes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, and Anakin Skywalker, as they are thrown together again for the first time since the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. The young Jedi and Padme fall in love as he escorts her first to the security of Naboo and then to his home world of Tatooine, where the fate of his mother leads him to commit an ominous atrocity. After another attempt on Padme's life, Obi-Wan and Anakin separate. Someone is trying to assassinate her on the eve of a vote enabling Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ( Ian McDiarmid) to build a military force that will safeguard against a growing separatist movement led by mysterious former Jedi Count Dooku ( Christopher Lee). The pair are ordered to protect Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman), the former queen of the planet Naboo, now representing her world in the Galactic Senate. Unusually powerful in the Force, Anakin is also impatient, arrogant, and headstrong - causing his mentor a great deal of concern. Now 20, young Anakin Skywalker ( Hayden Christensen) is an apprentice to respected Jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor).

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The second prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy takes place ten years after the events depicted in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) High Quality Download Movie.